My Someday is Today

Just living my life in Barcelona and loving it!

Taking the time to “tomar el sol” February 7, 2010

Filed under: Barcelona Life — dianepadilla @ 9:59 pm
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When I woke up this morning I couldn’t help but smile – even though I’ve been here for over five months, I still can’t believe I did it – I’m really here. Luckily, it was beautiful sunny day out so I called a couple of friends and we roamed the streets of Barcelona without a plan nor purpose, we just walked. I’ve seen most of the tourist attractions and know how to get around the city now, but what I love most is that I can get lost in the small streets and discover all the hidden treasures throughout the city.

On Sunday’s not much is open, all the main stores and supermarkets are closed, yet that doesn’t force people to stay inside. Instead, you see everyone just walking or sitting on the grass “tomando el sol” and enjoying the nice weather. I feel like I can truly breathe here… even though at times it’s hard for me to balance, work, school and other extra curricular activities, the one thing I’ve learned from the Spanish is to take time to just sit and enjoy the present moment…

Park Cituadella

We walked through Park Cituadella, you can't tell in this picture, but there are hundreds of people with their tapas and blankets all over the park. You see everything from people walking on a tightrope to people playing musical instruments with friends singing along next to them... I love how people just take the time to sit and enjoy the company of friends and family.

Concert in the Streets

Behind the Catedral, there's this small corner that has amazing acoustics, there is always someone there singing or playing their musical instruments... I love the free concerts in the streets.

There is always a new plaza to discover and streets to roam, I could live here forever and still discover something new every time... I love how Barcelona never fails to intrigue me.