My Someday is Today

Just living my life in Barcelona and loving it!

Holiday Travels: Back to Barcelona! January 21, 2010

After London, Anette traveled back to our favorite city… Barcelona. One of my best friends Vanessa came to visit to spend new years with me and to check out my new home town.

Loving the Christmas decorations

Loving the Christmas decorations!

This year the Barcelona government bought new Christmas lights saying “Merry Christmas” in 15 different languages and they were hung up all over the city. The funny thing is that they forgot to include “Feliz Navidad” or did they? The Spanish government was really mad and accused Barcelona of purposely forgetting to include Spanish since Catalunya is constantly trying to separate themselves from Spain… interesting stuff!

Feliz Navidad?

Feliz Navidad?

Yes, this is Obama and yes, he’s pooping. BUT, before you think this is weird, it’s actually a normal Christmas decoration in the Catalan nativity scene. From what I understand, in Catalunya, they believe that the day Jesus was born was like any other normal day, meaning that there was probably a guy pooping in the bushes on Dec. 25th. For that reason, they always hide El Caganer in their nativity scenes and when you go to a Catalan’s home, the first thing you do is look for el caganer. You can find el caganer in the shape of almost any known celebrity or cartoon, Anette asked me to get her an Obama for her birthday :).

Anette's Birthday present

Anette's Birthday present

We brought in the new year in Plaza Catalunya, everyone gathered in the center of the city with their bottles of Cava and grapes. In Spain, it’s tradition to eat grapes for good luck on new years eve. They start the countdown 12 seconds before midnight and you eat a grape with each sound of the bell.

Bringing in 2010!

Bringing in 2010!

The view from the top of La Catedral de Barcelona

The view from the top of La Catedral de Barcelona

Finally made it inside of Casa Batilo, loved it - definitely worth a visit :)

Finally made it inside Casa Batilo, loved it - definitely worth a visit 🙂